Holidays in Jamaica
In season 83, Success Juniors come to associations ROW and FATA with new Success teams. We begin to play new Friendly Leagues in these countries. I hope Holidays in Jamaica and Holidays in Thailand will be successfull and funny Leagues. All statistics from Jamaica will be here. Thank you for your help and participation.
Rules of these leagues
6 teams. Teams founded in 2020 and later. We´ll play home/away. We´ll start in second Tuestay of new Season, always.
Wall of Champions
1st |
Success West Založení: 16.12.2024 |
Зенит Нарва Založení: 5.4.2023 |
Hobro IK |
AGNELLINI ALLUPATI Založení: 4.2.2025 |
⭐ VÁRZEA ⭐ Založení: 11.2.2025 |
(S.E)(PALMEIRAS)(F.C) Založení: 10.2.2025 |